Drifting in a world i don’t belong
I miss her, how can i face this life alone?

I do remember
Like it was yesterday
You and me together
Back in a different age

Reaching for the ghosts haunting my mind
Dreaming of the ones i left behind

Hopeless… there is nothing i can do
Knowing i can never be with you again

Why did you bring me back?
Like a lab rat in a maze
Am i dead or alive?
With all these wires stuck in my brain
Why did you wake me up?
Locked in this virtual jail
Why was i revived?
Is this all some game?
Lost in this maze
Locked in this brain

So this is the end…
Why did you bring me back?
Like a lab rat in a maze
Or maybe a start
Am i dead or alive?

With all these wires stuck in my brain
So what happens now…
Why did you wake me up?
Locked in this virual jail
Can’t find a way out…
Why was i revived?
Is this all some game?

I could decide to stay here
And dream on forevermore
To live without the danger
And the fear i felt before
A life devoid of sadness
No more suffering and pain
In a realm of make-believe
Within the limts of my brain

But can i really fool myself
(could i thrive inside this lucid dream?)
Into believing i’m still me
(in this mind-machine technology)
A synthetic state of consciousness
(could i be a part of this new real?)
I am therefore i think

Could i dream forevermore
Without the fear i felt before
There’ll be no suffering and pain
Within the confines of my brain

I remember dying
Fading into black
I remember dreaming
Of a second chance

The new real – a paradise?
Inviting – exciting – a new home
The new real – a web of lies?
Confusion – delusion – i am alone
The new real – a golden dream?
Serenity – my destiny – a new home
The new real – a cold machine?
Mistaken – forsaken – i am alone

Please switch me off
I am sure now
I don’t belong
In this new real

Please shut me down
I am fine now
Thanks for the dream
You can switch me off

Now i know this is not real
I can’t trust the way i feel
I’m alive… but in a dream
Am i only… a machine?
