The Irish Rover

In the year of our lord eighteen hundred and six
We set sail from the coal quay of cork
We were sailing away with a cargo of bricks
For the grand city hall of new york
We had an elegant craft
She was rigged fore and aft
And oh, how the wild winds drove her
She had twenty seven masts
And withstood several blasts
And they called her the irish rover

There was barney mcgee
From the banks of the lee
There was hogan from county tyrone
There was johnny mcgurk
Who was scared stiff of work
And a chap from westmeath called malone
There was slugger o'toole
Who was drunk as a rule
And fighting bill tracy from dover
And your man, mick mccann
From the banks of the bann
Was the skipper of the irish rover

We had five million bags of the best sligo rags
We had six million barrels of stones
We had seven million bales of old nanny goats tails
We had eight million barrels of bones
We had nine million hogs
Ten million dogs
Eleven million barrels of porter
We had twelve million sides of old blind horses hides'
In the hold of the irish rover

We had sailed seven years
When the measles broke out
And the ship lost its way in a fog
And that whole of a crew
Was reduced down to two
Just myself and the captain's old dog
Well the ship struck a rock
Oh lord! what a shock
The boat she turned right over
She turned nine times around
And the poor old dog was drowned
I'm the last of the irish rover

O Irish Rover

No ano de nosso senhor 1800 e seis
Partimos do cais de carvão de cortiça
Nós estávamos navegando com uma carga de tijolos
Para a grande prefeitura de Nova Iorque
Tivemos uma embarcação elegante
Ela foi fraudada frente e para trás
E oh, como os ventos selvagens levou
Ela tinha 27 mastros
E resistiu várias explosões
E chamaram-lhe o irish rover

Houve barney mcgee
Das margens do lee
Houve hogan de County Tyrone
Houve johnny McGurk
Quem estava apavorado de trabalho
E um cap de westmeath chamado malone
Houve slugger O'Toole
Quem estava bêbado como regra
E combate Bill Tracy de Dover
E o seu homem, mick mccann
Das margens do bann
Foi o capitão do rover irlandês

Tivemos cinco milhões de sacas de os melhores panos sligo
Tivemos seis milhões de barris de pedras
Tínhamos sete milhões de fardos de idade babá cabras caudas
Tivemos oito milhões de barris de ossos
Nós teve nove milhões de porcos
Dez milhões de cães
Onze milhões de barris de porteiro
Tivemos 12 milhões lados de velhos couros cegos cavalos '
No porão do rover irlandês

Nós tínhamos navegado sete anos
Quando o sarampo eclodiu
E o navio perdeu o seu caminho em uma névoa
E que toda a tripulação
Foi reduzido para dois
Apenas eu e velho cão do capitão
Bem, o navio atingiu uma rocha
Oh senhor! o que é um choque
O barco virou-se por cima
Ela virou-se nove vezes em torno de
E o pobre cão velho morreu afogado
Eu sou o último da rover irlandês

Composição: Jörgen Elofsson